It was a wonderful 4th of July for us in Oklahoma City! We slept in, and when we finally rolled out of bed, it was time for brunch. We tried one spot that was closed, then went to another where the hostess offered first available seating in 20 minutes (which meant that we were rolling the dice and taking our chances at sitting outside in the 90+ degree heat). Guess where our seats were when the hostess finally seated us?!
Terry kept saying it was hot - and it sure was hot! The temperature was in the upper 90s throughout our much of our road trip, which was through the south in July, after all. I'm not sure what she was expecting, given that July is hot even in Delaware! I think she has now decided that summer road trips should go north (or east - splash!).
Breakfast was delicious (but hot). Terry ordered an Oklahoma special pancake - which was a giant rectangle with a smaller square next to it covered with pecans and bacon. Apparently it was shaped like Oklahoma, a fact that was originally lost on us ... and by the time we figured it out, I had eaten the pan handle (so we had lost the photo opportunity by that time)!
After brunch, a trip to Sam's Club was in store for us. Katie and Marcus stocked up on food,

we bought some snacks and clothes and a gazebo (that was out of stock & then had to be returned, meaning the trip to Sam's Club lasted far longer than expected). We decided to swing by Best Buy so Terry could get the Zelda collector Switch, then we got smoothies ... and then back to Katie and Marcus's house to relax some more.
I'm going to stop this post here ... I've been writing this on our drive from Oklahoma to Indiana, and Terry is insisting that we stop at the Fantastic Caverns (Missouri's caverns!), for which there have been signs nearly every mile.

More to come about Oklahoma, Fantastic Caverns (spoiler alert - it was fantastic!), and the rest of our trip later!