Number of states visited: 16 (17 if you count our wheels touching WV) : DE, MD, VA, NC, SC, GA, AL, MS, LA, TX, OK, MO, IL, IN, OH, PA
Total miles: 3450 (give or take a few pit stops)
Total sporting events: 7 - 3 MLB (Braves, Rangers, Guardians), 3 Minor league (SC Fireflies, OKC Dodgers, Indianapolis Indians), 1 MLS (Atlanta United)
Missed sporting events: 1 (Washington Wild Things - because we cut the trip a day short for a sick pup)
Surviving fish: 5 (1 white, 1 dalmatian, 3 black)
Fatalities: 1 (translucent fish who lost a battle with the filter - RIP)
Number of Hard Rocks: 2 (Tulsa and Atlanta)
Number of laughs, memories, stories - endless
